It's bonus day shortly, and I'm proud to report that my own share of the swill in the corporate trough this year is a whopping 0.0001% of the total London payout for the year. Nevertheless, a lot of people in this town are earning a ton of money. Which begs the question - how much is a ton of money? Today's graph would have answered this, but either (1) the site's not working, or (2) the Feds are onto me. I'll try again later...
Whilst on babysitting detail last night, I had the pleasure of watching "Rambo:First Blood Part II", for the first time since watching it illicitly at a friend's house at the age of 12 (my Christian parents unreasonably objected to my watching legions of gooks getting wasted instead of doing my Religious Studies homework).
So what if most of it was filmed in Colorado (with WalMart palm trees plonked in the foreground), and that the CIA baddy is the dude from the 'Good Old Boys' in the Blues Brothers and therefore difficult to take seriously?
It's pure Reagan-era escapism, complete with Vietnamese guys apparently wearing WWII era Japanese uniforms, and Stephen Berkoff heading up a squad of evil Russkies. But tell me this - having spent 100 years and millions of lives trying to shake off the yoke of imperialist aggression, how come Victor Charlie allows the Russkies to march all over them as soon as Uncle Sam walks out?
NB the moral of the story is that of the little guy prevailing over both the 'goddam bureaucrats trying to cover their asses' and the military might of a superpower. Something for the insurgents in Iraq to learn from that.
Turning briefly to nostalgia, it was fifteen years ago today that I received my A-Level results. It would have been round about this time of day that I cracked open the first beer, as life stretched before me. Wonder what August 1991 me would say to August 2006 me? "Loser," I should think. Rude b#stard.
At the risk of giving the fat buffoon the oxygen of publicity, the oaf Prescott has shoved both feet in his distended gob again. So Dubya is 'crap', and 'nothing but a cowboy in a hat?' Look in the mirror, Giovanni, look in the mirror.
Some Baz at the Institute of bean counters has launched an online Nozin' Aroun' : "it's an online magazine made by YOUNG ACCOUNTANTS for YOUNG ACCOUNTANTS and concentratin' on all the subjects that YOUNG ACCOUNTANTS are into. It's our world too! Right! Okay". Take a look. It's brilliant
Finally, my one year old daughter made it to another key development milestone yesterday, by sending her first SMS from my email phone (no, it's NOT a BlackBerry - it's LIKE a BlackBerry, but DOESN'T WORK MOST OF THE TIME). Anyhoo, my colleague from the office was surprised to receive the simple but elegant message "Gfthly". Three new appointments also appeared unexpectedly in my diary for today ("P" from 8am to 9pm, "Ooee" at 9am, and "Y" at 10am).
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